UNESCO’s International Bioethics Committee (IBC) will meet in Mexico City (Mexico) from 4 to 6 May. This 16th session, organized in cooperation with the Consejo Consultivo de Ciencias of the Presidency of Mexico, will be followed by a European Commission-UNESCO conference, which will bring together experts and members of national bioethics committees from all over the world from 7 to 9 May.
Three main topics will be presented at this session of the IBC: social responsibility and health, the principle of respect for human vulnerability and personal integrity and the issue of human cloning and international governance. Furthermore, there will be an overview of the situation of bioethics in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The 16th session will be opened on 4 May (9.15 a.m.) by Alonso Lujambio Irazábal*, the Mexican Minister of Education, Pierre Sané, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences and Adolfo Martínez-Palomo, Chairperson of IBC. The opening ceremony will be followed at 10.00 a.m. by a progress report on the UNESCO bioethics programme, especially the REDBIOETICA initiative, which concerns Latin America and the Caribbean. The topic Bioethics in Latin America and the Caribbean: experiences and perspectives will take up the rest of the day.
On 5 May (10 a.m. to 1 p.m.) there will be a presentation of the draft IBC report about human cloning and international governance. The IBC was a pioneer in the field of cloning, creating the foundations of the Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights (1997), which condemned cloning for human reproduction as contrary to human dignity. Since then, more than 50 countries have passed laws to forbid cloning for reproduction. However, voices have been raised, especially by scientists, to demand a different treatment for therapeutic cloning. At the request of UNESCO’s Director-General, an IBC working group has started to consider this issue in order to determine whether the latest scientific, ethical, social, political and legal developments justify a new initiative at the international level. The afternoon session will be devoted to the draft IBC report about social responsibility and health.
The session on 6 May will concern the principle of respect for human vulnerability and personal integrity (morning) and the IBC’s work programme for 2010-2011 (3 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.), before the closing by Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs, Pierre Sané, Adolfo Martinez Palomo, and the new IBC chairperson, to be elected during this session.
The European Commission-UNESCO Conference, which will follow on 7 May, aims at strengthening the capacities of bioethics committees. It will bring together experts and members of national committees at all stages of development. The conference, organized with the financial support of the European Commission, will be structured around three major themes: emerging bioethics issues, building an international network of national bioethics committees and the committees’ engagement in ethical discourse.